Friday, January 8, 2010

Beyoncé Gets VIZIO Endorsement

My fave and your fave's fave, Beyoncé just received a new endorsement deal, adding on to her already-endorsed deals with American Express, L'Oréal, Crystal Geyser Water Samantha Thavasa, & more. She signed a three-year deal with VIZIO, "America's #1 LCD HDTV Company".
"What I love about VIZIO is how committed they have been to customers and their focus on delivering tremendous performance at a great value,” said Knowles. “As a performer, I can relate to that, because my fans spend their hard-earned money to see me perform, and I give everything I can to make sure I exceed their expectations. I’m excited to be associated with such a successful company.”
#HIDEYOURWIGS! Bey is getting PAID! I can't wait to see her commercials. More after the jump!
Laynie Newsome, Co-Founder and VP Sales & Marketing Communications of VIZIO said thise following:
“Beyoncé is in an elite class of entertainers who are globally known and respected for their talent on stage and in front of the camera. We believe both VIZIO and Beyoncé are closely aligned as American success stories who have redefined the rules in our respective industries.”
Snatching wigs, bank accounts, microphones, and now television remotes.


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