Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Beyoncé Preps for Some Time Off

Wig-snatcher & career ender, Beyoncé has announced that she has decided to take a long, well-deserved break this year. The singer told USA Today,
“I’d like to take about six months and not go into the studio. I need to just live life, to be inspired by things again.”

Well, this may be good news for some of you. With the #1 deevuh on break, maybe, just maybe your fave can peak in the Top 50 for a week or two ...or not. I doubt she'll stay away too long. Bey is also scheduled to perform at this year's Grammy's on January 31, in which she leads the nominations list with a total of 10.


  1. Yea she does deserve the break and needs to pull away from the audience for a while. I don't mean this in a bad way, I'm just saying she needs to relax.

  2. She deserves it ; but this is bad. Real bad --


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