Monday, December 21, 2009

#OOP! Que Kicked out of Day26!

I'm still puzzled as to why people are making this Day26 split shit a big deal. I mean, the group was just another victim of the Bad Boy curse. The first album was my shit, but after a flopped sophomore album, flopped singles, and just a loss of hype, it was only a matter of time. Sigh. Que has been kicked out the group. The news first got out when Que posted this tweet on his twitter: soo hurt RT now i just recieved a letter from day26 saying they r moving foward without so confused..what did i do?.........
 Why is Day26 sending out letters like they somebody? I just can't with the irony. Here's a video Que made, explaining that the "real" reason he had problems with the group was because of their manager Screwface. He also took this time to plug in his Twitter and phone numbers and all kinds of other flop-shit.

Um. Yeah. Comments?


  1. i saw this coming after the last season went off; he was complaining too much and i hope he don't think he gonna blow up when he goes solo smh


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